The Formula for An Effective Teamwork
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For more information, please get in touch with us for a free initial consultation.
For more information, please reach out to us for a free initial consultation.
For more information, please reach out to us for a free initial consultation.
For more information, please reach out to us for a free initial consultation.
For more information, please reach out to us for a free initial consultation.
For more information, please reach out to us for a free initial consultation.
David Trimner has provided tax consulting services to nonprofit organizations for over 20 years. While he is not an auditor, he has worked for several audit firms, including “Big 4,” “Second-Tier,” and regional firms. He provides this inside look into how a nonprofit organization can write an effective request for proposal (RFP) and then successfully interview and select an audit firm.Executive SummaryEnsure that the prospective auditors demonstrate that they understand your organization’s structure and programs during the interview. Don’t be influenced by a fancy written proposal designed by sophisticated marketers if it tells you little about the team’s relevant skills....
Many nonprofits prefer that the audit firm also prepare the tax return. Because the audit represents ten times the hours of the tax work (and ten times the fee), selections are often based on the audit personnel without much consideration of the tax department. For this reason, many firms won’t even bring a member of the tax team to the interview. If they do, it indicates that the tax person presents very well or will give them some advantage.Audit firms vary in how they handle tax returns for audit clients. In smaller firms, the auditors themselves may prepare and sign...
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